Decreased potency is a common pathology among men. Unfortunately, the development of erectile dysfunction is a problem for men, not only in old age, but also in those of reproductive age.
In this regard, the topic of prevention and treatment of various diseases of the reproductive system is the most relevant. Most men use natural methods that include treatment with natural remedies that do not have a negative effect on the body.
Causes of impotence
Before continuing the treatment of the pathology, it is necessary to determine the cause of the decrease in libido. The main factors in the development of impotence include:

- the presence of a passive lifestyle, characterized by a lack of physical activity;
- depressed state, exacerbated by severe stress and nervous strain;
- overweight patient - development of obesity;
- lack of the hormone testosterone in the blood;
- the use of various drugs to build muscle mass;
- abuse of bad habits;
- age factor - as a rule, male menopause occurs after the age of fifty;
- damage to the body by a serious disease - diabetes, cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system and thyroid gland;
- long-term lack of sexual intercourse;
- sharp change in the climatic situation;
The process of self-hypnosis in connection with sexual intercourse becomes the cause of psychological impotence.
Symptoms of disease development
The manifestation of signs depends on the type of pathology. Impotence is of a physiological and age nature. In the first case, the pathology arose under the influence of external factors, and in the second the cause of development is an age indicator.
Signs of concern include:
- Decreased potency and progression of erectile dysfunction. This symptom leads to the inability of the stronger sex to control the genitals, even if there is a desire.
- Presence of inferior and short-term erections.
- Premature ejaculation in men of reproductive age.
- Lack of morning and evening sexual arousal, which is considered a natural process in the male body.
- Decreased libido, causing sexual incapacity.
Each of the symptoms involves seeking medical attention. Treatment of advanced impotence is a long and complex process, therapy should be started on time.
Control methods
Effective potency treatment is a complex treatment consisting of the following components:
- The presence of proper nutrition.
- Special physical exercises.
- Massage sessions.
- Methods of alternative medicine.
The patient's lifestyle plays an equally important role. First of all, a person should engage in active sports - swimming, running, walking. Moderate physical activity has a beneficial effect not only on the state of potency, but also on the work of the body as a whole - blood circulation in the pelvic area is improved, and testosterone production is increased.
To avoid fatigue, you need to ensure sleep for at least 8 hours, during which the body will regain the energy expended.
Proper nutrition
A balanced daily diet contributes to the normal functioning of the body and also increases libido. To achieve a beneficial effect, you need to eat foods that give a stimulating effect - aphrodisiacs. Their composition includes many vitamins, proteins, phosphorus, zinc, calcium.

Adherence to a diet in case of illness is necessary.
To increase the amount of phosphorus in the body, the patient should eat red meat, primrose, pumpkin seeds, bran, mushrooms, celery and various types of nuts. Another, no less important component - zinc is found in seafood, eggs, ginger. You can compensate for the lack of vitamins with the help of bananas, lamb, sunflower seeds.
Increased sex drive and potency is enabled as a result of using the product:
- Beets - to improve the useful properties, it is recommended to combine the product with honey.
- Cooked mackerel - fish contains useful acids that contribute to the formation of seeds and improve its quality.
- Particleboard - supplies the body with amino acids, zinc, vitamin A.
- Oysters are seafood that contain zinc and rare amino acids. As a result of use, the patient notices an increase in the amount of semen.
- Camel's stomach must be used as an infusion at least 30 minutes before sexual intercourse.
Special gymnastics consists of a series of exercises, the main goal of which is to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Exercise affects and strengthens the intimate muscles.
The most common set consists of 6 exercises:
- The patient lies on his back and bends his legs at the knee joints. He then takes a deep breath in and out, tensing and relaxing the muscle tissue. To achieve the effect, it is enough to perform the manipulation twelve times.
- Another exercise is the development of the sacral region. As a result, the patient remains in the same position, but begins to move the body to the right and left for 20 seconds.
- Next, you should roll over on your stomach, placing your arms parallel to your body. Inhaling, the patient raises the upper body as much as possible and leaves the lower part in the same position.
- In the fourth exercise, you should lie on your back, lift your lower limbs and put them back behind your head. In this position, the patient is fixed for a few minutes.
- The man lies close to the wall, rests his upper limbs, transferring part of his weight, and then begins to get up and fall on his toes. This exercise should last at least three minutes.
- The patient lies on his stomach, bending his legs at the knee so that the heels touch the buttocks. It is then fixed and begins to sway slowly: when inhaling it raises the torso, when exhaling it lowers it.
Male impotence can be removed with the help of Chinese massage techniques. The human body consists of many special points, acting on which you can achieve the desired result. Acupuncture is an equally effective technique. It is worth remembering that an experienced professional is allowed to perform such competence. For independent use, use the following massage:

- wrap the thumb and forefinger of the right limb around the wrist of the left hand. Next, you need to slowly move your fingers towards the elbow joint - there is a point of impact that is responsible for the work of the genitals. Once you have found the point, it takes a few minutes to massage the area;
- the hands are placed on the belt so that the palms touch the back and the thumbs the abdomen. Next, the limbs move to a special point located near the tailbone, they begin to massage it.
The most popular natural method is the unconventional system. Its use should supplement the usual treatment, and not completely exclude it.

You have to be extremely careful with herbs - they can cause allergic reactions.
You can increase potency using recipes:
- Walnuts are crushed, honey is added to them. It is necessary to use a useful mixture in the amount of 20 grams at least three times a day after each meal.
- Pour 30 grams of dried St. John's wort with 300 ml of boiling water and infuse for at least two hours. The tincture is used three times a day, 75 ml.
- Dry nettle in the amount of 30 grams is finely chopped, poured 200 ml of boiling water and put on low heat for 20 minutes. The drug is taken 20 ml three times a day.
Age characteristics
Treatment of elderly patients is performed by systemic techniques. The previous event is a thorough examination and examination of the patient, with the help of which the doctor determines the cause of the pathology and determines the contraindications for the implementation of a particular technique.

Potency problems affect every third man at different ages.
Treatment of impotence in patients aged 50-60 years is carried out by the following methods:
- Medical therapy, which is often supplemented by surgery.
- The presence of a special diet that is aimed at normalizing blood circulation and cholesterol levels in the body. The products that make up a patient's diet should contain a large amount of minerals, useful trace elements, vitamins.
- Physical exercises with moderate stress - in most cases the Kegel method is used.
- The presence of regular sexual intercourse implies the absence of prolonged abstinence.
Preventive measures
Medical experts recommend adhering to the following rules, even if there are no obvious signs of impotence, for preventive purposes:
- use of healthy, fortified foods. Fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods, on the contrary, are recommended to be excluded from the diet;
- the presence of an active lifestyle;
- weight control;
- abstraction from conflicts and stressful situations;
- abstinence from alcoholic beverages and smoking;
- the presence of regular sexual intercourse.